Micromoments, what they are and how you can use them to generate traffic

The tastes and customs of consumers evolve over the years, and that is why brands and businesses must constantly update to meet their needs and tastes. Nowadays, all kinds of quick consultation are carried out through smartphones. In addition, 68% of online purchases are made through this platform (El Observatorio Cetelem), so companies must focus their efforts on optimizing their pages for this environment. Concepts such as adaptive desing or micromoment have become very popular in recent years due to this trend.


A micro-moment or ” micro-moment ” is the exact moment in which a user feels the need to carry out a search through the internet. This moment is an impulse, and must be satisfied as quickly as possible, so in most cases the user will turn to the smartphone to satisfy it. In summary, for an experience to be classified as a micro-moment, three characteristics must be met: immediacy, will, and context / relationship.

These micro-moments can satisfy all kinds of needs: information, doubts, decisions, queries. And that is why, based on the buyer’s journey or ‘ ‘ buyer’s journey ”, Google classifies them according to these concepts:

Micro-moment strategy

The ways of ” Buyer Persona ”

Knowing our ” buyer persona ” means being able to carry out a correct marketing strategy. This figure acts as a prototype of the ideal client on which you must base yourself when designing a strategic plan.


You must analyze, organize and understand which keywords are the most searched for a specific ideal customer at a specific micro-moment. In other words, all possible cases must be studied to ensure that your marketing efforts reach the potential clients in the most optimal and organic way.

The ” keywords ‘ ‘ is a list of terms which users usually enter in search engines when they need to search for specific information. There are numerous tools which provide us with this information depending on key sections such as the level of competition for a keyword, the search volume or its cost.

The more micro-moments a company studies and the more keywords it is able to extract and relate to, the higher quality traffic it will generate to its website because the search engine used will position its content above that of the competition. To do this, the company must carry out a search for keywords or ‘ ‘keyword research”, these are the steps to follow:

To establish objectives:

It is a basic point for the correct implementation of any marketing plan. It is very important to know well the sector where you want to locate the brand, its competition and the achievements to be achieved, setting a series of KPIs to serve as a self-evaluation of performance.

Identify the buyer person:

The more knowledge we have of our future potential clients, the easier and faster the most relevant keywords for them will be chosen.

Related Searches:

This step consists of extracting the data from different sources. For this you can use tools such as SemRush, Answer the Public, Google AutoSuggest or KWFinder, which show a list of keywords related to our preferences.

Data organization:

The keywords obtained must be carefully examined. This consists of checking the level of competition of each one, since the more common a keyword is, the more competition it will have. Other key aspects such as CPC, the volume of users who search for those words must also be addressed.

The generation of organic web traffic is vital for the brands that are on the web, and therefore it should be one of the main objectives that companies must work on. This organic traffic is called SEO, and it is the flow of online users who come to our website without the need to incur sponsored campaigns or advertisements such as Google Ads.

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